Salon Information


Waiting Area

Hairlines DOES NOT have an indoor waiting area, so please be prepared to wait in your car or outdoors which offers a covered porch with chairs. The door is unlocked so let Leanne know that you have arrived for your appointment either with a quick text or popping in to say hello. BE AWARE that there is a salon dog named RIO at the entrance and he will likely alert me of your presence.

Late Appointments $ Cancellations

Late canceled appointments may result in a double-charge upon your next visit, BUT if you can fill your spot the charge automatically disappears. Guests who will be more than 5 minutes late must give ample notice, or will be subject to a late fee. Those who arrive in need of the restroom or a beverage may request so upon arrival even if the previous client is there.

Online Booking

Online Booking opens only one week at a time and recognizes that the salon is CLOSED Sundays & Mondays. Appointments that are pre-booked by regular clients get first dibs ahead of website scheduling resulting in less online availability. For further inquiries please contact the salon by leaving a voicemail, text, or email.